To use Jack's weapons, simply tap on the gun icon in the lower left corner of the screen. In earlier in Fightback levels you'll find your self tapping the screen mindlessly to rack up high combos, but it's not long until you're mastering counter punches and jumping over flying butcher's knives. You control Jack by either tapping the screen to perform a simple punch or kick or by swiping your finger to perform more complex punches, kicks, crouches, jumps, and dodges. However these aren't mandatory to have an enjoyable experience with the game.

Like many freemium games, Fightback offers inapp purchases. However each stamina bar takes about five minutes to recharge so you won't find yourself waiting too long. Jack is limited to six bars of stamina, so you can't play the game (free) nonstop for hours. The game also has a mode called "The Streets" that has never-ending waves of criminals where you can collect cash and prizes along the way. In the earlier levels of Fightback, Jack can get by only using his fists and kicks, but in later levels it's necessary to use a gun.