Purchase of any PAYDAY 2 DLC (excluding mentioned below): +1 gallon of hype fuel.Purchase of PAYDAY 2: +1 gallon of hype fuel.The Hype Train event is named and themed after the Hype Train internet slang.Īlso similar is the reward milestone system that can be achieved through participation by the community, though unlike CrimeFest, which was free to enter and contribute, the Hype Train registers progression via "hype fuel", a form of score generated when players purchase PAYDAY 2 or Hotline Miami 2 content from the Steam store.Īctual purchase of content is not required for the benefits of the event, as each unlocked goal will be unlocked for all players during the Spring Break Event. Like CrimeFest, The Hype Train was highly anticipated for its promise of new content, gameplay features and rewards. The Hype Train was a community event for PAYDAY 2, taking place from the 5th of February to the 12th of March 2015. Announced collaboration with Lion Game Lion, and The Bomb Heists DLC (Day 10).
Modifications to make modding easier (Day 9).
The FBI Files (1.3M milestone, added September 24th, 2015). PAYDAY 2 DLC 75% off (excluding the Hotline Miami DLC) for the duration of the event. PAYDAY 2 free to play from October 16th to October 18th. PAYDAY: The Heist game and DLC 90% off after October 16th for the rest of the CrimeFest. PAYDAY: The Heist free to download on October 16th (1.05M milestone). Pre-Planning added to Framing Frame Day 1 (Day 9). Big Oil (Day and Night for day 1, 1.45M milestone, Day 9). Watchdogs (Day and Night both days, 1.45M milestone, Day 9). Hoxton Breakout (1.15M milestone, Day 12). Money Bundle (1M milestone, added August 7th, 2014). The Judge (1M milestone, added August 7th, 2014). Golden AK.762 (500K milestone, added alongside the Gage Sniper Pack update). 350K Brass Knuckles (350K milestone, added alongside the Death Wish update). Peter (1.1M milestone, added August 21st, 2014). Captain Winters, the GenSec special enemy (1.4M milestone, added September 24th, 2015). The CrimeFest promotion was responsible for the release of a great deal of notable game content. As members joined the official community group, new rewards were unlocked, until the last reward was unlocked at 1,500,000 members. CrimeFest was a promotional event for PAYDAY 2 that took place October 2014.